Cryptography Basics

Collin Dewey


Presentation Slides

Cryptography Basics

For CTF Competitions

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What is Cryptograhpy?

Secure Communication

What is a cipher?

How we get there

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Common Different Representations of Text

BaseEncodingASCIIResult TextNote
2BinaryMoon01001101 01101111 01101111 01101110Digits 0-1
8OctalMagic115 141 147 151 143Digits 0-7
10DecimalSunset83 117 110 115 101 116Digits 0-9
16HexElements45 6C 65 6D 65 6E 74 73Digits 0-9 and A-F
64Base64Celestial!Q2VsZXN0aWFsIQ==a-z, A-Z, 0-9. = or == as padding

There exist other representations such as Morse Code and Braille

Common Ciphers

Rail Fence Cipher

Atbash Cipher

Shift Cipher

Vigenere Cipher


Affine Cipher

Substitution Cipher



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