National Cyber League Tool List

Collin Dewey


Last Modified: 11/19/2024

Tool List

These are the majority of the tools that I commonly use in the National Cyber League Capture the Flag challenge. If a tool is displayed like this, it likely came with your Linux install.


OSINT Framework - Lots of links to OSINT oriented websites, such as flights, weather, and public records

Awesome OSINT - Lots of links to OSINT

TinEye - Reverse Image Search

exiftool - Image metadata viewer and editor

exiftool Online - Online version of exiftool - Certificate search tool

ICANN Lookup - Lookup domain registration data

Overpass Turbo - Advanced Map Search Engine


dCode - Lots of tools for cipher solving

Rumkin - Lots of tools for cipher solving

CyberChef - Lots of tools for data manipulation + ciphers

RSA Calculator/RSA Calculator - Manual RSA calculations

Ciphey - Cipher solver tool

Password Cracking

Name-That-Hash - Hash identification tool

Hashcat - GPU Password Cracker (Example Hashes)

John the Ripper - CPU Password Cracker

ophcrack - LM&NTLM Cracker based on precomputed rainbow tables (Use XP Special)

Hashcat Rules - Database of hashcat rules

wordlistctl - CLI tool to search for wordlists

pdf2john Online - Online tool to extract the password hash from a PDF

rar2john Online - Online tool to extract the password hash from a RAR file

zip2john Online - Online tool to extract the password hash from a ZIP file

7z2john Online - Online tool to extract the password hash from a 7z file

office2john Online - Online tool to extract the password hash from a Microsoft Office document

Wikidata Query Service - Tool to query data from Wikipedia for Wordlists


binwalk - Extract files embedded inside other files

strings - List user readable strings within a file.

Photorec - File Recovery Utility

Volatility - RAM analysis tool

WavSteg - Extract data from a WAV

Steghide - Steganography tool

StegOnline - Steganography tool (StegOnline Checklist)

OpenStego - Steganography tool

Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit - Steganography tool

FTK Imager - Disk dump analysis tool

Unredacter - Depixelate text

sherloq - Image Forensics

Log Analysis

cut - Cut strings by a delimiter and select one part

uniq - Deduplicates lines. -c can be used to count the lines. (Be sure to sort first)

sort - Sorts lines

awk - Scripting language

gron - Make JSON greppable

jq - CLI JSON processor

LNAV - Log File Navigator

Python - Python, good for parsing JSON and custom binary data

LLMs - Good for writing Python scripts

Network Traffic Analysis

Wireshark - Network Protocol Analyzer

TShark - Wireshark but CLI

h264extractor - Wireshark plugin to extract an H264 stream

Scanning and Reconnaissance

nmap - TCP/UDP Scanning utility

dirbuster - Java-based website subfolder enumeration

gobuster - Go-based website subfolder enumeration

feroxbuster - Rust-based website subfolder enumeration - Certificate search tool

Web Application Exploitation

curl - Make custom network requests. (Custom POST)

Burp Suite Community Edition - Intercept and change website requests.

Enumeration and Exploitation

Ghidra - Reverse Engineering Tool

Decompiler Explorer - See decompiler view from multiple tools

Buffer Overflow Pattern Generator - Calculate offsets of overwritten registers

Linguist - Language Detection Utility

pwndbg - GDB but useful

dotPeek - Decompiler for .NET applications

Vineflower - Decompiler for Java applications

uncompyle6 - Decompiler for Python Bytecode

crxviewer - View Chrome extension source


My Github Cyber List

Good luck!

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